FFMpeg is an extremely powerful tool for converting
video from one format into another format. All major codecs are
supported, and even a lot of more obscure ones. Unfortunately,
the only way to use this tool directly is by typing in commands on the
command line.
To enter commands, you need to start a "Terminal" program. In
Ubuntu you can get to it by going to Applications -> Accessories
-> Terminal.
Once there, you can type commands to run programs. (Two
important, but non ffmpeg-related commands: ls - lists out all the
files in the directory you are currently in, and "cd" - changes the
directory for example type "cd Downloads" from your home directory to
get into the Downloads directory. Your prompt will show your the
current directory, the tilde "~" means your home directory
The first two things you can do with FFmpeg are to list out the formats
and codecs that this copy supports. This may change based on what
is installed on your computer, so it is best to check these before
running a command, to make sure you have the correct support available.
To list all container formats type: ffmpeg -formats
To list all codecs type: ffmpeg -codecs
To convert a video, simply run the command "ffmpeg" with four
additional parts:
ffmpeg [input] [video options] [audio options] [output]
The input part is composed of a "-i" and the name of the video you have
that you want to convert to something else. You could have more
than one of these input files (each one gets its own "-i") if for
example you have a video with an audio track in a seperate file.
-i InputVideo.mpg ...[video options] [audio options] [output]
ffmpeg -i InputVideoTrack.mpg -i InputAudioTrack.wav ...[video options]
[audio options] [output]
The video options are where you specify the codec (with the
"-vcodec" option) and bit-rate (with the "-b" option). In addition you
can specify a video preset ("-preset") which x264
encoding won't run without (some easy presets: slow, medium, fast), and
you can specify a size ("-s") with either a standard size
reference or the format WIDTHxHEIGHT.
[input] -vcodec mpeg2 -b 3000k ...[audio options] [output]
ffmpeg [input] -vcodec libtheora -b 3000k ...[audio options] [output]
ffmpeg [input] -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -b 3000k ...[audio options]
ffmpeg [input] -vcodec mpeg2 -b 3000k -s hd480 ...[audio options]
ffmpeg [input] -vcodec mpeg2 -b 3000k -s vga ...[audio options] [output]
ffmpeg [input] -vcodec mpeg2 -b 3000k -s 1280x720 ...[audio options]
The audio options are where you specify the audio codec ("-acodec") and
bit-rate ("-ab"). It is also possible to specify no audio ("-an")
to get only video in the output file.
[input] [video options] -acodec flac ...[output]
[input] [video options] -acodec libmp3lame -ab 256k ...[output]
[input] [video options] -acodec libvorbis -ab 192k ...[output]
[input] [video options] -acodec libfaac -ab 192k ...[output]
ffmpeg [input] [video options] -an ...[output]
The output is where you specify the filename that the converted video
will go into. Usually the extension of the filename (.mkv, .mp4,
.avi, etc) will allow the program to determine what format the file
will be written as, however if it is ambiguous or you want to use
format that isn't tied to that file extension, you can use "-f" and the
format name. (These commands will all output the video file in
the same directory you are currently in.)
[input] [video options] [audio options] OutputVideo.mkv
[input] [video options] [audio options] OutputVideo.mp4
[input] [video options] [audio options] -f dvd OutputVideo.mpg
[input] [video options] [audio options] -f matroska OutputVideo.vid
[input] [video options] [audio options] -f mp4 OutputVideo.vid
[input] [video options] [audio options] -f avi OutputVideo.vid
The result could look like:
-i InputVideo.mpg -vcodec mpeg2 -b 3000k -s hd480 -acodec flac
Two Pass Encoding
It is possible to use ffmpeg for two-pass encoding. The important
part is to call it twice, once with the "-pass 1" parameter and once it
finishes run it a second time with the "-pass 2" parameter. On
Ubuntu, you can do a couple additional things on the first pass to
speed it up: "-an" specifies that there is no audio codec to be
run. "-f rawvideo" keeps it from trying to pack it into a special
format, just to throw away. The "-y /dev/null" specifies that the
output will go into the special null file, which means that it just
disappears instead of having to send data to the hard disk. In
addition when running two pass, we add the "-bt" parameter which tells
the codec how much the bit-rate can change. It will usually work
well to set it the same as the bit-rate.
-i InputVideo.mpg -pass 1 -vcodec mpeg2 -b 3000k -bt 3000k -an -f
rawvideo -y /dev/null
-i InputVideo.mpg -pass 2 -vcodec mpeg2 -b 3000k -bt 3000k -acodec flac
That's all there is to using FFMpeg, not too complicated.
Now lets do an example using FFMpeg....
-i sintel_clip_ffmpeg.mkv -pass 1 -vcodec libx264 -preset
slow_firstpass -b 1200k -bt 1200k -an -f rawvideo -y /dev/null
-i sintel_clip_ffmpeg.mkv -pass 2 -vcodec libx264 -preset
slow -b 1200k -bt 1200k -acodec libfaac -ab 192k output.mp4
As a bonus, we can set it up so that it can be run from a website, and
the video will start to play before the download has finished:
output.mp4 webvid.mp4